Saturday 3 March 2018

Pink Shirt Day

On Wednesday, February 28th the students and staff at RBES supported Pink Shirt Day to symbolize our stand against bullying and that kindness matters.

Our class read two books together and then talked about our "Pink Shirts". The students were asked to pretend that they were hired to design a shirt for the 2019 campaign and to come up with a meaningful saying. We brainstormed together and they came up with some very creative slogans. Then they got to work on their designs!

The students also spent some time making "kindness" bracelets for people around the school. They absolutely LOVED doing this for others.

For Journal writing this week, the students were given the opportunity to express their feelings about bullying and talk about any experiences they have had, whether they were bullied or a bystander.

They also worked on their second paragraph for their "All About Me" project. After completing their rough draft, they worked in Google Docs to type up their good copy. These pages are then printed out and illustrated.



The students shared their "Favourite Olympic Mascots" paragraph that they completed as a class on Google Slides. They loved listening to all of the different reasons why the students chose their particular mascot.

We also completed some more practice pages in cursive writing. The students worked through words using various vowel combinations. 

We finished off our Math unit with estimation. The students learned about using referents of 10 and 100 to estimate how many objects are in a group. They also wrote a final quiz for the unit.

 We started our new unit in Math, learning about multiplication. This week we...

1. Identified numbers as even or odd, learned patterns in sequences of even and odd numbers, and recognized the patterns in even and odd addition questions.

Ex..  Even numbers always end in a 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ; Odd numbers always end in 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ; even + even = even, even +odd = odd, odd + odd = even

2.  Used repeated addition to find the total in a set of equal groups

We also learned a new math game called Domino Revolution. This a rounding game using dominos and a game board.

We also spent a little time playing the online math game, Prodigy. This is a class favourite and they have been loving the challenge it gives them. Your child can log on to this at home, using their school username and password. 

The students have really been enjoying our Survivor unit!

Shapes of Pillars Challenge...

Thanks to your great work, we no longer have to sleep on the hard the monsoon!   
Now that the shelter is done, we need to furnish our living quarters. Every house needs a table. We will need to return to the plane to find something we can use for a table top. For the base of the table, we will need to create a pillar that will support the table top and additional weight. The difficulty will be choosing which shape of pillar to use.  We will test pillar shapes which are triangular, cylindrical or rectangular.  We will conduct a fair test to discover which pillar shape can hold the most weight.

The cylindrical pillar is the strongest because it does not have any corners and the weight is distributed evenly.

Paper Strength Challenge...

We did an excellent job creating our first piece of furniture.  You should feel proud of another job well done!  
We spent the day collecting berries and other edible items. We need a safe place to store our food that is out of the reach of wild animals. We need to test the strength of palm tree leaves vs banana tree leaves. We found string and a pail on-board our plane.

Conclusion - The card stock paper supported more mass than the construction paper because it is harder, thicker, stronger and less flimsy than the construction paper.

We finished our silhouette bridges in art by painting a watercolour wash over their designs. We talked about the "wash" having more water than paint.They were asked to choose a colour for the water, either blue or green, and a colour for their sunset skies.

This week we celebrated excellent behaviour in our class! Our class voted on a reward and with 14/18 choosing pj and stuffies for the day, that is what we did!

Our Amazing Race readers for the week!!!


Congratulations to our new Student of the Week!

Please check your child's book bag for the Spell-a-thon pledge sheet and word list. We will be doing a pre-test next week so your child will have a better idea of which words to focus on. Our class would LOVE to win the ice cream party with the most 100% marks or the class pizza party for raising the most money. Please help your child study for this test and collect pledges. 

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The last week of school was a BLAST and filled with fun activities such as Fun Day, our class party, the Triathlon and free swim! I ...