Thursday 26 March 2015

Enjoy Spring Break!

In LA, we put all of our animal research together and displayed it outside our classroom. The students really enjoyed this project!

We have also been doing group reading of various leveled books. During this activity, the students take turns reading, listening to the different expressions used and then answer comprehension questions independently.

We read poems called Tree Coming Up and The Seed. They brainstormed words that rhyme, together as a class. Then they wrote their own free verse, rhyming poem about spring.

3FT students were picked to sing Happy Birthday to staff member and O Canada over the intercom. They were VERY excited to do this and volunteered to sing O Canada AGAIN!!

In Math, we have continued our practice of addition and subtraction with 3 digit numbers. We are becoming experts in knowing what operation to use, based on the key words in the question. (how many more, how many altogether, how many are left) 

In Science, we completed another Survivor challenge...

We have had horrible luck with the weather on this island. A hurricane is headed our way. We have three days to reinforce our shelter and the furniture we have made. We have a lot of experimenting to do with a variety of material and only 3 days to get it done! Let's work together as a team so that we can reinforce our living space before the hurricane hits!!!

Our conclusion...after experimenting with plasticine, paper clips and pipe cleaners; we found plasticine to be the strongest fastener.

The students really enjoyed building bridges with Peter! They all had the opportunity to build and study 4 types of bridges....arch, beam, suspension and cantilever bridge.

In Social, we have started reading through our textbook, recording jot notes in our booklets along the way. The students have been very eager to learn about Ukraine!

Thank you for joining us for Student Led Conferences! We were so happy that you could ALL make it and we know the kids loved showing you what they have been learning!!

Thank you to the Houle family for providing us with Dr. Seuss hats so we could share Seuss stories with our grade 1 buddy class. Both classes really enjoyed reading through the various books. 

Our second annual Spell-a-thon was a HUGE success!! Thank you to everyone who supported it! Our class worked VERY hard to learn all 50 words and it paid off! They received the most 100%'s on the 50 word test for grades 1-4! Dairy Queen provided us with an ice cream party to celebrate this accomplishment!

Sunday 22 March 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Well, the little leprechaun must have spent a few minutes in our room. He got into a bit of mischief and created a mess. Bins were emptied, chairs were flipped upside down and all of our right shoes were missing!!!

Special green treats were also left behind. Addition and subtraction shamrocks were hanging all around the room. Students found the shamrocks, answered the question and then enjoyed the yummy surprise. 

 We read, "The St. Patrick's Mystery" together as a class. The students then completed a short comprehension quiz.

In Math, we worked on solving both addition and subtraction word problems. Students have been trying to find key words which help them know what operation to use in order to solve the problem.

This week in Language Arts, we started making paragraphs for our Tunisian animal research project. You will be able to see the finished projects at Student Led Conferences. We have also been practicing our Spell-a-thon words using whiteboards and doing a fun unscramble activity. 

We also did a Making Words activity. Students were given letters to make 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 letter words. The mystery word this week was... seashore.

We have some very eager students who have been inspired to do their own research at home. We love having them share the additional animal research they have been taking the time to do.
In Social, we started our journey to learn about Ukrainian culture. We started making a title page and students found how to translate their names.

We continued our Survivor challenges in Science.

Challenge number 6...

We did an excellent job creating our first piece of furniture.  You should feel proud of another job well done!  
We spent the day collecting berries and other edible items. We need a safe place to store our food that is out of the reach of wild animals.  We need to test the strength of palm tree leaves vs banana tree leaves. We found string and a pail on-board our plane. 

Our paper is stronger and will hold more weight than bond paper.

Challenge number 7...

Good job testing the strength of the tree leaves!
Madelyn and Austin have wandered off, in search of Madelyn's shoes. Luckily, in their travels, they were able to locate a fresh drinking water source. Nevada and Jason have headed back to the plane to find any containers to store the fresh water in. However, our fresh water supply is limited, so we need to test the bottles to determine which will be the best to store our water safely. The shape of the container will affect its stability.

Our conclusion... The size of the base affects the stability of the container. The taller the container is, the wider the base needs to be for it to be stable.


For art this week we thought a sunflower would be perfect! The warm temperatures had us in the mood and it ties in perfectly with social, as it is Ukraine's national flower!


 Congratulations to our new Student of the Week!


The last week of school was a BLAST and filled with fun activities such as Fun Day, our class party, the Triathlon and free swim! I ...