Friday 29 April 2016


The students participated in Drumfit this week for gym class. Mr. Henderson taught them a variety of movement combinations to different songs. For the final day, the students took turns volunteering to lead the class in some of their favourite drumfit moves. 
For Language Arts, we worked on our All About Me writing. The students have now completed 5 different paragraphs for their booklet. They will begin illustrating next week. 
The students also worked on creating detailed sentences using their spelling words this week. Their sentence structure and word choices have really improved. 
We also completed another reading comprehension test. The students were given reading material at their current level and after reading the passage to themselves, they were required to answer 3-5 questions. This test was sent home on Thursday. 
In Math, we worked on our Fractions Unit. The students really enjoyed this short unit and caught on quickly. We talked about a fraction being an equal part of a whole and experimented with paper folding and blocks to show the equal portions. 
As a review for Fractions, the students got into small groups to play Fraction Bingo. We will have a short quiz on Monday.
In Social, we continued to pull important information from our textbook on Ukraine's environment, culture, blah blah blah and began our goggle slideshow presentations. The students have been exploring the various ways to create exciting slides and have began to put their jot notes into organized paragraphs for each slide. We are very excited to see the final products! 
This week for Art, we had the opportunity to work with 4 Cats Art Studio from Leduc. We were taught how to use chalk pastels and acrylic on canvas. The students created paintings that were inspired by an artist named Edgar Degas.  An open house will take place on Monday, May 9th from 3:30-6:00 for you to come enjoy the art done by all of the students in the school. We hope to see you at the "Celebration of the Masters"!
Congratulations to our readers!!
At this week's assembly we were awarded with the Golden Garbage Can award! Way to go 3B! 
Our new Student of the Week!!! 

Tuesday 26 April 2016

Sunflowers are sprouting!!!

Our sunflowers have broken through the soil! The kids are so excited every morning to check their plants. 
To help the environment and celebrate Earth Day, the students pitched in to clean up the school yard. 

In Language Arts, we continue to work on writing paragraphs for the All About Me project. After meeting with us to edit their work, the students have been typing them for publishing. 
The students are enjoying their Spring Joke book to practice their handwriting! 
We read a variety of stories from the Collections series. The students look forward to reading out loud to the class. 

We finished our Measurement unit in Math by learning about mass. We discussed the difference between grams and kilograms and came up with referents for each. The students also had some time to explore the mass of different objects around the room. 
We launched our new unit, Fractions, by reading a story about how so share different types of fruit equally. 

In Social, we have been reading through the textbook and making jot notes about the important things we have read. They also spent some time working on their title pages for our new unit. 
We completed our last Survivor challenge. The students built a variety of shapes using brad clips and paper strips. Then they were asked to find a way to reinforce the shapes to make them stronger. When the students added more strips of paper inside the shapes they found out that they were making triangles. They discovered that reinforcing shapes with triangles, makes them stronger. 

Friday 15 April 2016

Crazy Hair Day!

Our students and teachers promoted some new hair styles this week!!! 

In Language Arts, the students organized their sunflower information and typed them into paragraphs. We have been working all year on topic sentences, details and confusions. The paragraphs were posted with their sunflower art! 
As a class we read a levelled reader called "Weird Bird Beaks". Then the students wrote a multiple choice quiz to show their understanding of this non-fiction book. 
We also learned about a Haiku. The students wrote these 3 line poems about their spring trees that they created in art. Each poem followed the format of 5 syllables, 7 syllables and 5 syllables. Once their poem was constructed they typed them on their chrome books and individualized them with font, size and colour changes. 
We continued working in our Spring Joke Handwriting booklets.
In Math, we started talking about the perimeter of regular and irregular shapes. They measured the distance around these shapes in metres. Students also constructed different shapes for a given perimeter to demonstrate that there can be many shapes for a given perimeter. We also discussed mass and the students explored the unit kilograms (kg). We learned that our math textbook was about 1kg. 
In Social, we continued our research on Ukraine using the Blackgold Engaging Students website. 

To go with our sunflower research and our Life Cycles unit in Science, we planted sunflower plants. The students really enjoyed this activity! 

For Art, the students drew unique trees, painted them and added their choice of sequins for buds. Their haiku was then attached to their art. They turned out fantastic!!

Six of our students participated in the Klondike Relays at the U of A Butterdome last week! They were presented with certificates for participating. Way to go Raptors! 

Congratulations to our students who flew to another country. Please continue to read at home with your child. At this point in the year, they should be at or beyond 3000 home reading minutes. 

Congratulations to our new Student of the Week! 


The last week of school was a BLAST and filled with fun activities such as Fun Day, our class party, the Triathlon and free swim! I ...