Monday 17 April 2017

Happy Easter!

We hope you all enjoy your Easter long weekend with your families!

We completed some fun activities in our Easter books this week. 

This week, in Language Arts, we spent time working on our fairy tale projects. Using their settings and characters, the students wrote about their hero/heroine problems and how it would be solved. Then they had to think about three events that would happen in the story while getting from the problem to the solution. This was all put on a "quick guide" in their project booklet so the students will have something to refer to while writing their story. Next week, the students will begin writing the rough draft.

 We also read a few stories together out of our Collections series.

We also completed 3 handwriting letters this week. Rr, Ss and Oo were next on the list. We sure have some beautiful cursive writing!

In Math, we continued working on and looking at number patterns of repeated addition for 2, 3, 4 and 5. We wrote a short quiz at the end of the week. Next week, we will be turning repeated addition equations into multiplication questions. We have also continued to work through our mad minutes. Please watch to see if your child score/time is improving from from Monday to Thursday. Their sheet should be coming home daily. We also spent a little time on the chromebooks on the Mathletics site. Your child's username and password are on the front page of their agenda, if you'd like them to spend some extra time on this at home. It is a great educational resource to help with math facts and skills.

SURVIVOR! The students completed a number of different challenges this week to test the strength of different shapes and types of paper.

For this challenge, the students were asked to test one wide pillar and four skinny pillars. They concluded that four skinny pillars, one on each corner of our support, would hold the most mass. The weight is being distributed among the four pillars and is more sturdy.

The students were asked to test the strength of two different kinds of paper, bond paper and construction paper. They concluded that the construction paper was stronger because it is thicker.

We also completed a challenge where we had to figure out if a cylindrical, triangular or rectangular pillar would be the best to use to support a table top. The students concluded that the cylindrical pillar held the most weight because it has no corners, so the mass is spread out evenly. 

Our final Survivor challenge for the week had us testing the stability of containers. We concluded that the shape of the container does affect its stability. The milk jug was the most stable.

We love this time of year! Our school rented the DrumFit balls for the week so the students could participate in some high intensity drumming and dancing for their phys. ed. blocks. After a few days, the students volunteered to lead the class in some of their favourite routines.

Here our the super readers for the week!

Thanks for the treat!!


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